
Unique Visual Design: Gambles

Case in point.. Games like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, or Okami.
In the last two decades or so, certain developers have decided not to follow the traveled path and have ventured into uncharted, albeit risky, territory. The question that most people seem to ask in editorials, forums, or what have you, seems to be "is it worth it?"

It seems to me that, throughout the course of video game history, people have associated progression with graphical capabilities. (I'm talking about PC and consoles.)
"Oh hey dad! Can I get the Sega Genesis!? It has 16-bit graphics!"
"What does that mean? Oh.. I don't know.. it's better.. right?"

For a while, especially in the 90's, this was the common argument of any game player, and it was somewhat merited, yeah? Video games as an entertainment and art medium are still relatively young, so it's natural for people to make such assumptions. (In fact, some people still refuse to
believe that video games could ever be considered art.)

So now we find ourselves in the age of fancy super duper 3d graphics. The more realistic looking, the better. I'm sure everyone remembers when The Wind Waker was first presented at that video game conference.... Everyone gasped at the sight of the super deformed cartoonish graphics.. but why? Should the quality of a game be dependent on how closely one can associate it's aesthetic value with reality? I miss the days when people actually had to use their imagination when playing games..
But alas, as a passionate gamer I must move with the times and be accepting. After all, Okami sucked because it looked fake.. right?

I rant and I rant.. I guess my point is, Graphics don't make the game. That's why the PS1, SNES, and almost every other console is more enjoyable than the xbox 360.

And not just because they don't fucking break every 3 months.



Fallout: New Vegas

  • A Really Big Expansion Pack
Just recently, Obsidian released what is sure to be later known as 'Game of the Year' or something. With as much due praise as it has received, Fallout: New Vegas also deserves an equal amount of criticism and for equally good reason.
Back when evidence of New Vegas was first turning up, I remember thinking to myself, "Oh, wow. A cool looking expansion for Fallout 3." But apparently I mislabeled the sneaky thing, as it eventually turned out to be a completely "new" game, developed by Obsidian Entertainment (Taking the reigns from Bethesda Softworks.) What is interesting about New Vegas, is that it shares so much in common with its predecessor; so much so in fact, that at first glance, one may not even be able to tell one game from the other.
If you don't believe me, take a look at this side-by-side comparison.

Taken from the PC versions of both games.

To me, paying 60 dollars for a game that is essentially the same experience seems a little unfair.

But hey, that's just me.

I know that sequels are supposed to be kind of similar to their predecessors, but it just feels a little cheap in today's market to call a game like Fallout: New Vegas a standalone title.

I will admit that I have never completed the first two Fallout games, and might be missing the fact that those are extremely similar to each other as well but alas.. I digress.
Don't get me wrong, New Vegas is a very fun game. I just wish I could have played something 'new' and not recycled.

What are your thoughts?


blue blur.... I remember now!

  • Sonic the Hedgehog 4: episode 1
Way back in the 1990's, before there was such a thing as a "hardcore" gamer, there lived a hedgehog that we adored and spent hours playing with. Sure, he didn't really look like a hedgehog at all, but he looked cool nonetheless and we welcomed him with open arms to our living rooms/basements/bathrooms across America.

The reason I'm taking a look back at this game first is due to the fact that, honestly, it's the first video game I remember playing. It's not a vivid memory by any means, but I can still see my brothers and I staring in amazement at the new 16-bit blast processing action.

For a while, Sonic saw some pretty tough times. You all know what I'm talking about, unfortunately. However, If for some strange reason you need a good example of what I'm referring to, go pick up "Sonic The Hedgehog" for the Xbox360 or PS3.... On second thought.. don't. Just trust me when I say it was terrible.

Anyway, when news came about that a new 2d Sonic game titled "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" was on its way, a few people flipped out- I was one of them. A direct sequel to Sonic & Knuckles sounded like the greatest thing since Mega Man 9, and I had high expectations. Maybe too high..

On release day, I anxiously waited while the download neared completion. Suddenly, memories of Green Hill came rushing back to me as I darted past badnicks and loop-de-loops.
Familiar zone after zone challenged my aged gamer's instinct and it felt good. Not perfect, but good.

The only quarrel I have with the title are the physics. Simply put, it just doesn't feel that much like the old Genesis games, which is a bad thing. For example, if you place sonic on a downward slope and hold down, you would expect him to roll down while gaining momentum and speed, right?
Well that doesn't happen here. Unfortunately, you have to constantly be pressing in the direction you want to move, otherwise Sonic will abruptly stop, even in the air. It just doesn't feel... right.
But! It doesn't break the game. It simply makes it feel like a completely different breed (No pun intended). It's still fast, mildly challenging anthropomorphic action. The music is catchy, using samples from the 16-bit days and the sound effects are spot on. The few battles that we get with Dr. Eggman (Robotnick) are also varied and well executed.

Oh yeah, and did I mention it's episodic? It sucks. After passing four zones, the game is over and you're forced to wait for Sonic the Hedgehog: Episode 2. I've never been a fan of this marketing strategy, and I'm still not. Honestly, why don't these developers just take longer to work on the game and release a finished ****ing product?

Final Thoughts:
For some reason this game gets progressively more enjoyable with each play-through, which is awesome. (Especially since it's such a short game.) It's the way Sonic is meant to be played, and I hope SEGA remembers that.


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